Home Business The Most Common Four Different Styles Of Writing

The Most Common Four Different Styles Of Writing


Writing is a crucial but acute subject in every field. It is the way of communicating the complete steps or process, even in mathematics, or accounts. It requires statements or argumentations to prove the steps and methods. Once you have developed the knowledge regarding the writing types, you can easily enhance the writing skills and understanding proficiency of the new writers or the people who are willing to start writing. It can help you and other readers to develop fluency skills in the writing process. Understand the do’s and don’ts of the style in an article, to avoid useless mistakes.

In this blog, you can easily get familiar with the variety of new styles and their approaches. It will guarantee you to enhance your knowledge with new information. To enhance the writing styles for different projects and requirements. Increase the value of your writing with the following styles.

The Most Popular Styles Of Writing Styles 

To understand the intended purpose, structure, and emotional request of the writing styles, you must know that these styles are different in all the mentioned components. These four writing styles are as follows.

  1. Narrative Writing
  2. Persuasive Writing
  3. Expository Writing
  4. Argumentative Writing

Narrative Writing

Some explainers define narrative writing as the writing style, which is characterized by the main character in the story. As the story goes on, it carries the narrative style in tone, purpose, structure, and the inner voice of the characters. It also creates a different structure of the sentence with the particular choice of words. If you want to write a fictional or non-fictional story with numerous narratives, you must go systematically. Like

  • Choosing a theme or main idea for the story to deliver
  • Characters with a variety of personality traits
  • Antagonist and other side characters for the story to increase entertaining points and define the complexity of the story through their story
  • Select one or multiple settings for the reader to increase interest as well to ease the imagination of the readers
  • Decide a structure for the story; it will increase the elements of the narrative as the dialogues, action, and description
  • Involvement of the literary elements like simile, metaphors, and the symbolism
  • Incorporation of vocabulary as per desire and requirement

Some of these above mentioned main aspects you must consider while planning to write a narrative story for the audience. It will increase the interest of the audience as well as your story will come out as unique and one in million.

Persuasive Writing

As per some writers, persuasive is the form of nonfictional writing style, which requires careful choice of words, logical arguments to understand the matter as well as a unified summary of the scenario. Persuasive writings can be emotional or logical; it depends on the writer and his/her approach to the writing style. However, people use persuasive writing for logical reasons. It is the best style for convincing people, with logical arguments and convincing reasons. The imperative and the serious aspect of any story is the theme or the subject you choose to work on.

To work on the emotional side of the story in the persuasive style, you can add sympathy or empathy in the tone of the story. If you think you need to hire someone to help you in writing a story, you can ask the relevant question that is “How to find a Ghostwriter.”

Expository Writing

It is as the title suggests, the expository are the predicted writing style. It is the style with complete explanation, where people explore new and creative ideas for the story. Topics of the subjects have a complete understanding of the human experience, nature, and inventions as well as mystical ideas. Here, you also witness emotional attachment appeal in the content for the audience to relate it with themselves. It is as if the person is writing something credible and authentic about the subject or the theme. The focus is not on the structure of the writing style but on the words and ideas that are been conveyed.

Argumentative Writing

This style is most similar to the Persuasive writing style; however, the most common difference is that it requires scientific argumentation for proving the point correct to the audience. Whereas, the persuasive can be emotional and appealing to the audience. It is the formal writing style in the form of the third person. With well-researched data, Ghostwriters can guide you in writing an engaging argumentative post or article for publishing.

Make sure to find the difference between all these writing styles and practice them before applying them professionally in your task.