Home Education Hotel Management Industry in Post Pandemic World

Hotel Management Industry in Post Pandemic World

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Since the gruesome lockdown stress has come to an end, hotel industries continue to face the wrath of COVID-19 protocols. The unannounced arrival of Coronavirus early last year had put the entire hotel industry in chains. However, as the lockdown eased down a couple of months back and people are going out, it is about time we take a look at the hotel industry in post-pandemic era.

It has been about five to six months since hotels became fully operational. Dining, staying-in and all other amenities have been resumed like before. But is it really the same as before? The revenue and income of hotels went nil when the COVID-19 restrictions came in place.

Not only were people not allowed to gather in a place but they couldn’t even be in close distance. With social distancing and quarantine being the new normal, visiting hotels for eating or staying there for visits was out of question.

Travel bans had ensured that people do not visit places for leisure or business purposes.

Hotel Management in Post Lockdown Phase

As lockdown began easing, the hotel management system decided to get back on their feet However, certain things were added the regular protocol which are not likely to go away anytime soon. So much so that, hotel management institutes had to introduce a couple f new things into their syllabus keeping the scenario in mind.

  • Sanitizers and disinfectants are going to be a staple within the hotel areas. This is not a phase anymore.
  • Hair nets are to be worn by the entire kitchen, waiting and cleaning staff. Earlier, we only saw the cooks and some waiters wearing it. However, keeping the sanitation aspect in mind, this is going to be a must have changed policy.
  • Gloves and masks have become a MUST for all the employees. Whether it is the person sitting on reception, chef or even the hotel manager himself; they all have to follow by it.

Budget Allocation due to COVID-19

The budget distribution has also changed to a great extent. A large section of the budget is being allocated to keeping the hygiene and safety measures well.

All the public amenities like gym, pools and even the hallways are regularly getting disinfected in order to ensure that everything is totally prim and proper. The budget and management criteria are definitely new and are being taught in the best hotel management colleges in Kolkata as well.

Students have to learn how to enter this new world of hotel management all prepared. These guidelines might be a result of the pandemic but they are here to stay.

Top hotel managers and executives have been very vocal about the transformation of hotel management paradigm. Customer service and satisfaction have always been the top priority for them. However, the health and safety of their staff and of course the customers has also been added to this list.

There is no way that one can overlook the hardcore efforts put out by hotels to stay relevant in a market here practically everything was shut down.

Will it always be the same?

Although we are in the recovery stage, making solid predictions can be a little dicey. The hotel management industry is constantly evolving. There is always some or the other kind of new evolution within this field. Whether it is being present online, getting better technology or improving the quality of services; hotel management systems are always a step ahead.

Newer trends and evolutions make the industry stay relevant. Change is the only constant. Having said that, the changes which have been implemented ever since COVID-19 struck are good on a larger scale. It helps the hotel businesses sustain for a longer time. It also helps assure all the guests and staff that they are not in danger while in the hotel’s premises.

If you would like to hear from professional education counselors about the revived scope of hotel management, opportunities in this field or anything else; reach out to us. We would be happy to arrange a free counseling session for you. Our counselors will clear all your doubts and help you understand the industry better.